Now i just need to figure out how to get the message i want across
Imedia Dissertation Project 08
I think I now have the final layout for the system - 5 across and 8 up. And the 5 below are now symbolised by actual halves etc...
As you can also see from above I have my 3d prototype almost finished.
I also handed in my first draft of the written dissertation last Friday. I am actually finding the writing part easier than the practical (a statement I thought I would never say). I am still trying to get my head around EyesWeb and looking around the internet at other technologies I could use to detect the position. With the webcam I got off the college not working on vista and my handy cam needing to be replaced I haven’t been able to do all the testing needed as I cant seem to link up my inbuilt camera to EyesWeb. I also e-mailed one of the other tutors in UL whom I was told was the EyesWeb expert but he informed me that the weakest thing with EyesWeb is the documentation, I might try and arrange a quick tutorial with him over the coming weeks if possible. Derrick, one of my fellow students, found a way to do some web detection through flash so I also might ask him for a quick tutorial on that for a fallback option
I will have my 3D prototype up by the end of the week.
I meet with Mikael and Eoin on Wednesday and Thursday. I talked with Mikael about the written report, which I have started to fill in with work I have already done. Eoin gave me some great papers to read which I am reading at the moment. Eoin also helped me by giving me more options on how I can do the project.
Both said I should do more prototypes and keep developing the project. I am currently starting a video prototype using 3D max. I am also starting to look at what EyesWeb can do; I have just started on some simple tutorials which I hope to alter to develop the coding I need to create for my project.
I am going to continue working on my what has been done before section of my written report and will continue to look into options for coding my project. I am also meeting with users that I hope to use for the user testing next weekend and I am going to try to compile a quick initial questionnaire to get their initial feelings on my idea so I can change anything major before I start working fully on the product.
I have finally got an idea for my dissertation project. I decided before christmas that i wanted to do a system to do with music for children. The following idea just came to me out of nowhere;
It’s a mix between boxing and music creation and I name it "Music Box". The rhythm would be determined by how long your jab stays in a particular area and the pitch would be determined by how high or low you jab. I will probably use a sensor glove to so this and incorporate it into flash.
I am now gonna brainstorm this further. I will be back soon with more news :D